Now Taking Orders for
Turning 65 Campaigns

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You can customize your campaign - but allow us to give you a few pointers (we’ve sent thousands of turning 65 letters…)

Start Early

We recommend that you start early whenever possible. Remember, you are competing against large (aggressive) call centers, “Joe” on TV offering everything for “free,” and agents specializing in internet marketing. You need to cut through some of that noise and at least let your neighbors know you exist and that you can help. What is early? Most Med Supp carriers allow a Turning 65 Med Supp app up to 6-months prior to the Part B start date. So if your first letter is sent approximately 8-months or even 9-months in advance, you’ll be pretty early. Many people turning 65 still won’t make a decision until around 2-3 months prior to their birthday, but you want to make that first contact early. After they call you - simply keep in contact with them over the next few months until decision time.

Send Multiple Letters

We recommend sending multiple letters - if you are on a budget, reduce your list size (we can go as low as 150) and “hit the list” numerous times (i.e., 5 to 7 times). Hitting a smaller list multiple times is better advertising than hitting a large list one time… hopefully, by the time they receive letter 3, they recognize your name (and local address) and they at least consider giving you a call (or checking you out online)